Dep. of Aircratft Design

Wang Fuxin

Post:Dean of the Department

Office Phone:(86)21-34207063

Office Address:Room A401 , Aerospace Building


Professional experience

Time Office Units Post
2009-Now Shanghai Jiao Tong University Professor
1988-2008 China Aerodynamic Research and Development Center Research Fellow

Educational background

Time Graduated School Educational background
1994-1997 Nanjing Aeronautic and Astronautic University Doctor
1989-1992 China Aerodynamics Development and Research Center Master
1984-1988 Nanjing Aeronautic Institute Bachelor

Research Interests

  • Specialized in helicopter aerodynamic characteristics, dynamics and control, the mechanism of complex flow and control for aircraft, and the test techniques in wind tunnel.

Research projects

  • Advanced Airfoil and Blade Design for Rotorcraft, Pre-research
  • The Flow Interference Mechanism between Rotors and Wings for Tilting Rotor Aircraft, Pre-research
  • Aero-elastics Dynamics and Control for Helicopter Rotor, Pre-research

Selected publications

  1. Qiu Z , Wang F* . Aeroelastic responses of airfoil under dynamic stall forced to oscillate by cyclic pitch input[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020:115366.
  2. Qiu Z, Xu W, Yuan J, and Wang F*. Secondary resonances in aeroelastic response of oscillating airfoil under dynamic stall[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2018, 24(23): 5665-5680.
  3. Yuan J, Qi N, Qiu Z, Wang F*. Adaptive RBF observer-sliding mode controller design for a two dimensional aeroelastic system with unsteady aerodynamics[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 80: 482-495.
  4. Li G, Fu X, Wang F*. High-resolution multi-code implementation of unsteady Navier–Stokes flow solver based on paralleled overset adaptive mesh refinement and high-order low-dissipation hybrid schemes[J]. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2017, 31(9): 379-395.
  5. Li G, Fu X, Wang F*. High-order non-inertial computation method for helicopter rotor flows in forward flight[J]. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2017, 27(12):2835-2857.

Honors and Awards

A Second Prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, a First Prize and two Third Prizes in the Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Award.

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Technical Support: WeiCheng
